Shandong Heyi Gas Co., Ltd.
Shandong Heyi Gas Co., Ltd.

Research & Development

Over these years, Heyi has thoroughly implemented the innovation -driven development strategy, and has always regarded product quality and technology as the foundation of the high-quality development of the enterprise. The whole process of integrating the spirit of excellent craftsmen into the procurement of raw materials, product production and transportation is favored by domestic and foreign customers. The market demand for our products has seen rapid growth year by year.

In recent years, Heyi has adhered to the principle of combining company independent R&D with the coordinated innovation with industry partners, universities and research institutions. We have built innovative platforms such as high abundance boron isotope engineering research center of the oil and chemical industry and Shandong Enterprise Technology Center.  A joint laboratory with the Chinese Academy of Sciences has been also established to promote the transformation and upgrading of the Chinese BF3 industry and move production towards high end high added-value directions. Heyi takes lead globally in building mass production capability for a complete industry value chain, from BF3 complexes, industrial grade gas, electronic grade gas and even to the industry’s technologically top products (such as B10, B11 and nuclear-level boric acid). Up to present, 2 international invention patents, 15 domestic invention patents has been obtained by us. Heyi has presided over the drafting of 1 national standard (GB) and 3 industry standards of the BF3 related products. The national standard of BF3 gas was selected into the 2023 Shandong original technical standard project. All above endeavors have made significant contributions to the high-quality development of the Chinese domestic boron trifluoride industry. The R&D and industrialization of high-purity BF3 (11B) gas separation technology has been included in the list of Key Scientific and Technological Innovation Projects. Heyi’s High abundance Boron-11 isotope production technology was selected into the National Defense Science and Technology Bureau as the nuclear energy development and scientific research project of 2022.

Looking forward to the future, we will adhere to the undoubtable road of development with product focus and uniqueness, to foster industry expertise with focus, to strengthen the industry by coordinated arrangement, to win the market with innovation, to build a globally leading company with international competitiveness in the BF3 industry.

bf3 research development

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